January 2024 University of Northampton

I am now into my 4th year  at the University of Northampton.  Since joining as part of the  Service User Care Group in 2020 I have been actively involved in the midwifery interview process.

As a Birth Practitioner I am now an Associate Lecturer at the University.  Not sure quite how that happened but I feel honoured to be given a ‘slot’ with the Y1 Midwifery cohort to ‘openly discuss  the benefits of a positive relationship between our wonderful midwives and doulas.   The intention is, as the midwives go into placement they will build s positive and supportive relationships with all the doulas they meet.  It’s all about making sure we are all ‘with woman’ during their birth journey.
I also support the senior lecturers in midwifery with the VIVA examinations and other mid-term assessments, along with feeding back to the postgraduate midwives studying for their NIPE qualification, this is from a Maternity Voices Partnership point of view.  It’s all really enjoyable and truly does make me feel uplifted and part of a team.  Living in the middle of nowhere in the Fens I need that!