Now booking October and December NCT Antenatal Courses

Many of my NCT Practitioner colleagues have been offering their courses  online using zoom (or similar). For me that was just not an option. For anyone who knows me having been a doula client or having attended one of my courses or drop-in sessions you will understand. I am just not really a screen person.

I love meeting new clients, new parents-to-be and keeping in touch with anyone that feels like a catch up and a chat about their parenting experiences.

Life has started to open up again which means I am able to offer face to face NCT Antenatal Courses running for up to 8 couples in Rushden during October and December.

NCT Antenatal courses | Find a local antenatal class | NCT

New venues for 2022

Retreats for new mothers and parents-to-be.

I am busy planning Spring 2022 retreats at hotels within a 50 mile radius of my home town of Rushden in Northamptonshire.

Summer 2021 News

Well, what a year it has been! With the world slowly finding some kind of new normal I will be taking bookings for NCT Antenatal Classes, Independent Workshops and Retreats planned for September through to January 2022

Now booking NCT Antenatal Courses for October and December

For NCT Antenatal Classes in our area you can click the link below


University of Northampton

I joined the University of Northampton’s Service User Group last summer and continue to attend online meetings and events. This group has been formed to help to steer the Midwifery Training at the University. I believe my experience of caring for and supporting women in labour will enable me to provide input from the birthing woman’s perspective and to also discuss with the group some of the issues that arise during the antenatal and postnatal periods.
I am grateful during lockdown to have been involved in the 2021/22 cohort of midwifery interviews which has been an interesting experience.  It is clear to see who has applied for a place due to their passion to become a midwife following 3 years training.

If we can help the trainee midwives to really understand any fear or apprehension women have around their first or subsequent births it can only be good for all concerned.

Doula UK and continuing to be a Licensed NCT Doula

Having maintained my LTP with the NCT I will be continuing to support women and their birth partners through pregnancy, labour, birth and the postpartum period. Although NCT Doulas meet twice yearly for update days and as part of our ongoing CPD we also have a  brilliant WA group for support (not forgetting the amazing NCT Crisis Team).  Moving forward through 2021 I  joined Doula UK last summer and Find My Doula this year. I’m looking forward to meeting new clients from the various website links. 

New Venues for 2021

Retreats for new mothers and parents-to-be

I am busy planning Autumn and Spring  retreats at hotels within a 50 mile radius of my home town of Rushden in Northamptonshire


Meanwhile, our local hospitals have been keeping us up to date with how they are managing Maternity Care during the Covid-19 restrictions. I will continue to keep you updated on my FB page – come and join me!

Facebook Link

Gabby M – Birth and Postpartum Doula, Birth and Beyond Practitioner

Past Events

As you can imagine the past year has not been easy on the doula care or course front.  I decided at the first shut down not to transfer my courses online so I am particularly excited about getting back to seeing people face to face.  Looking back from March  2020 to date I have:

  • Provided 2 face to face Antenatal workshops – we can finally have the reunions in April or May under the ‘Rule of 6’ so everything crossed for good weather
  • Provided Postnatal Care to a family of 7 for over a month when their twin boys arrived (I absolutely loved this!)
  • Provided postnatal care to a first time mum with no relatives, friends or family nearby – next session with her will be day care while she pops out to get married!!!
  • Provided antenatal, birth and postnatal care for a first time mum with anxiety – planned homebirth but lockdown put a stop to this. I’m still visiting as a friend and all is well
  • Provided postnatal care for a local couple who were concerned about the reduction in home visits from the local midwives and health visitors. We are still in touch, their little boy is nearly 5 months old
  • Currently supporting a local family following their mid-March birth (baby arrived at 32 weeks) so it’s early days but hopefully everything will settle soon
  • Continued to support parents online including a very anxious mother planning a possible VBAC – her baby arrived mid March and she feels the birth was positive for her as she was listened too, respected and supported throughout
  • I have 3 summer births on the horizon and 2 bookings for postpartum care

Before Covid-19

  • 2019 I supported 6 birth doula clients this year. 4 girls and 2 boys along with 2 antenatal clients and two postpartum clients…. I cannot begin to express how happy my doula ‘work’ makes me feel…. See testimonials from clients on my About Us page.
  • 2019 was a very busy year in 12 months I ran 17 NCT Essential Courses plus several one-to-one sessions for the NCT
  • I hosted 12 private Antenatal Courses
  • 4 ‘Let’s talk about Starting Solids’ workshops
  • 9 Positive Birth Movement Rushden gatherings at Café Nero, Rushden Lakes. We tried outside venues which resulted in mums and babies dashing everywhere so not continued
  • 11 Positive Baby Feeding at Magazine Heaven, Rushden Lakes